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Star Partner Program: Oracle Applications Users Group

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  • The Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) is a global organization that enhances the capabilities of real Oracle users in their day-to-day use and management of the growing family of Oracle Applications. Formed in 1990, the OAUG is one of the software industry’s most successful user groups and speaks with one voice for the family of Oracle Applications users. Additional details about the organization can be found at


    OAUG experienced a decrease in exhibition revenue and sponsorships from the partners and associate members of the organization. These partners sell technology products and/or services that help OAUG member companies extend the value of their Oracle Applications investments. The a decrease of sponsorship was evident across the board: reduced advertising in the organization’s magazines, newsletters, and Web site, reduced vendor awareness program participation and fewer exhibitors at the annual conference and other educational events.

    Research conducted through focus groups led to the establishment of an Exhibitor Advisory Council to help the Meeting Expectations’ (parent company of ACI) professional staff and Board-appointed task force to understand the reasons for the decline and develop a strategy and execution plan to address the issue, as it was having a direct impact on organizational revenue. The focus groups, surveys and task forces revealed that sponsors and exhibitors were confused on where and how to best spend their money with OAUG to obtain the largest ROI. Also, OAUG had gained a reputation of being difficult to do business with and the sponsors and exhibitors felt as though the organization was constantly asking them for money and invoicing them 12 to 15 times a year for one-off sponsorship opportunities – which was not compatible with their goals of developing comprehensive 365-day marketing plans to maximize their ROI.


    Our professionals devised the OAUG Star Partner Program. The program was developed to address the multiple invoice issues, negative perception the organization had obtained relative to being difficult to do business with and most of all, established for the sponsors a year-round, comprehensive marketing strategy and plan for them at five (5) different price points. The program presented an all-inclusive offering addressing all sponsorship, exhibiting, advertising opportunities for the partners and associate members. Packaged options allowed these important partners to consider their relationship with OAUG comprehensively once per year, both deepening and simplifying their outreach to OAUG’s members. Details about the program can be found at as well as a testimonial video on the value the program provides.


    The results of the Star Partner Program are two-fold: 1) Companies quickly signed up for the program selling it out at all levels on a consistent annual basis since its inception in 2005. 2) Revenues for the OAUG increased as the partners and associates placed great value on a comprehensive 365-day approach and were able to actually measure the results of their investments. In the first year, the program produced in excess of $350,000 in year-to-year comparison net profit and produced over $1,000,000 worth of revenue for the organization by the third year.


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